Select Your Proposals |
To print a presentation with one or more proposals, select the Print... button located within Stored Illustrations.
After you click the Print... button, the Print Options will display on your screen.
Select the Workbook presentation you want to print. Then, select which proposals you want to include in your presentation on the Select Proposals button. The logic and buttons on this screen work just like the logic and buttons on the Report Selections section for individual proposals. Click on the proposals you want to include and drag-and-drop them to the "Selected proposals" list. Or, click the Add > button to move them to the "Selected proposals" list. To quickly select all proposals, click the Add All >> button. Similarly, you can use "drag-and-drop", the <Remove button or the <<Remove All buttons to remove proposals from the "Selected proposals" list. The order you list the proposals will determine the order they will print. Highlight the proposal you want to move and then use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow buttons to change its position in the "Selected proposals" list. To continue, see "Add a Cover Page"